“This experience will change you. Even tomorrow you may notice a certain bounce to your step that feels like a rhythm.”
Arthur Hull, Founder of the Drumcircle


Drumcircle – Groove Connects

We enrich Team trainings and events with groove, heart and joy. We support people to come in closer contact with themselves and others through group work with producing rhythm together.

Already a 10 minute long keynote can change processes and create new dynamics.

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The Drumcircle in your Training or Event will

energize your team in a groovy, thriving experience, create and strenghten the team spirit and the common vision of your team, break the ice to help new team constellations to form relationships more easily, promote cooperation versus competition, encourage clear communication and body language.

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Different types of Drumcircles

We support your training or event with a drumcircle to reach your desired goals.

We provide instruments for all participants, no musical skills are requested or supposed.

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 “The drumcircle as an analog learning field offers the possibility to become aware of habitual strategies and behavious patterns. Our skilled facilitation and active reflections ensure a solid transfer of key learnings back into the work place.”

Karin Mitterbauer, trainer, musician and bodypsychotherapist

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